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Manila food programme

We cannot deny the fact that inadequate nutrition can affect children’s well-being. Hunger is a dilemma that mainly affects families who do not have enough income for daily expenses. Living in poverty often means living life without basic necessities such as clothing, food and safe housing. A child needs to consume nutritious meals every day to have the opportunity to achieve a better future.

Here are some facts you need to be aware of about child hunger:

Around 28% of all children in developing countries are considered underweight or have had their growth and development curtailed suffering from malnutrition.

It has been claimed that every year, 3.1 million children can possibly die as a result of malnutrition.There are reportedly 815 million people worldwide who do not have sufficient supply of food.

This is a sad truth, and this is a global issue that we need to end. It may be a hard move to do but let us bear in mind that children who do not have enough food or good nutrition can greatly affect their future and well-being and may cause them hard to get out of the deprivation.

Our BoredPandaNFT with a collaboration with Pepsi Philippines, McDonald (Muntinlupa Philippines) with our dedicated team members HPG (Humanitarian Pilipino Group), NIPCA (New International Police Commission Association), and UFMAG cook and serve nutritious and fillings meals to (300) children in Southville 3 Muntinlupa City.

Every month, our dedicated team members continue to feed numerous people by preparing and serving nutritious meals. We also aim to team up with other organizations – may it be within the target area or not, to supply and provide needed ingredients.

In addition, the team truly wishes to help individuals in making a wage from their food sources. Our team members ensure that they are capable of serving a nutritious meal to the selected people in the chosen area in Muntinlupa City.

In order to reach helping more people, 10% of all the primary sales the team has made will be automatically donated to HPGHK (Humanitarian Pilipino Group Hong Kong). HPGHK is known as a charitable organization that provides assistance and helps improve the lives of vulnerable and unsecured people in Hong Kong and here in our own country, the Philippines.